Monday, June 22, 2015

Progress Sharing

Need to share how this program has created change in my life.
When I heard that people were perfectionists, I thought to myself, not me! I don’t care about being perfect one bit! But I’ve come to realize that not wanting to “expose” myself in fear of not being good enough or in fear of being judged and criticized is very much related to perfectionism.
It’s like saying because I’m not 100% certain that if I put my “art” out there it will be well received I’m not going to risk it. …well isn’t that being perfectionist? I’m learning that my current level of art is what it is and doesn’t need to be more and better. It just needs to be shared and it needs to connect with people at a “heart” level. It doesn’t have to be well received by all. What do you think? 

I also find myself doing things that I wouldn’t do before. Little things where I would think I wouldn’t want to be seen, I now think it is ok. I’m learning to have a new relationship with fear. I’m starting to see it as resistance as opposed the place of no return! LOL!\

I’m working on being ok in the instructor role now – so I’m a work in progress, but I’m so very excited about the growth I see in myself. I know I’ve come a long way! And I can feel that I’m going keep growing and expanding too!
Thank you all ladies, for your sisterhood! I am loving this tribe and I’m starting to really feel like I’m actually part of it.

Love, peace and blessings!


Sunday, June 14, 2015

Consulting the Artist Within You

We all live from our “left brain”: the individual, critical, linear, fearful essence instead of our “right brain”: infinite, expansive, courageous essence. We would all live much better lives if we learned how to live from a balanced left and right brain essence.
Living from a balanced essence we can be freer and empowered to be our true self, no matter who is around. Living from a balanced essence will help us be about unconditional love and live more creatively. To live creatively is to live from our authentic self – not about making art – but allowing our true self lead in creating a life that is balanced and bold. In this life we lose our limiting beliefs and face our fears! So in a nutshell, here's the left/right conversation. The left brain says: don’t do that! It’s scary and dangerous! And the right brain says; I’ve considered your opinion, and I choose to face that risk because I will be stronger on the other side! This is what we all want!

Do you want to become more empowered? More confident? Let’s work on strengthening our right brain and stop playing small! How do we create this change? Simple! Make a commitment to do creative activities regularly. 

Be bold in your actions and create authentic strokes!
Did I say strokes? Yes! See, if you look at life as a canvas, every action and decision you make is a brush stroke. Here at Creatively Fit, we believe that when you balance your right and left brain you can learn to make bold, strong and beautiful strokes on the canvas that is your life. This means you are the artist of your life. We teach several workshop workouts that will train and strengthen your right brain muscle.

Creativity fitness activities are crucially important. I am attaching some of my work so you can get an idea how fun and process focused this work is. It’s the activity that counts, the workout.
It's not about making art that is gallery "worthy". 
A very important thing to keep in mind is this: as you strive to reach a balanced essence, focus on finding passion and not perfection. Trying to be perfect will turn on the left brain and fear will freeze you but if you strive for passion, you will do things out of love and fear will most likely dissolve.
I highly recommend listening to Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor’s Ted Talk. She found nirvana when her left brain shut down because of a stroke. Her story is important because she experienced herself as the infinite expansion of love! She says it's there for all of us. Let’s open ourselves to expansion and inner wisdom.

What would make your heart sing with joy? How would you like to express your authentic self and live courageously? The more we allow our inner artist to express herself, the more authentic our lives will be. Do you believe you live in a friendly universe? Your right brain does! How would your life change if you believed the universe supported you?

Tapping into L+R brain balanced essence will help you stop playing small, stop being worried about what others think, and start being intuitive, start living from a place of love. I believe when your left + right brain are balanced, your heart intelligence is activated!  So L+R+H= your empowerment and wisdom.
At Creatively Fit, we offer online courses and personal coaching to help you create your intention and be the artist of your life. If you want to change something in your life, if you want to play big; what’s your next step?

Sacred Symbol Contemplation Drawing
Scribble Drawing

Dream Collage
Dream Collage
torn face collages
Torn paper face